The iPad Stylus We’ve Been Dreaming of? The Zeppelin Stylus!

There are many different styluses out there, many of which are pretty good. The quality and function seem to be getting better and better. The Jot stylus seems to have raised the bar when it comes to precision and responsiveness but can it be raised even more?

Let me introduce you to the Zeppelin Stylus. This one is currently just a dream, a dream stylus being dreamed of by many artists and note takers who are hungry for a pen input device which would let them use their iPad the way we’ve all been imagining, hoping… dreaming. The Zeppelin is a Kickstarter project, just like the Jot, which is now a very successful and workable stylus for touch screen devices. The Jot does have its problems though and there is definitely room for improvement. The Zeppelin really does appear to have a very solid design.

There is a week left for the Zeppelin to meet its funding goals. This dream stylus needs backers to become a reality… otherwise it remains a dream.

Head over to the Zeppelin’s Kickstarter page and check it out. If you like what you see and want to be a part of something cool and very potentially rewarding join me and become a backer!


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